Japan Health Research Promotion Bureau

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Development of the parasympathetic nerve stimulation catheter to attenuate the refractory cytokine-storm


Despite advances in modern medicine, infectious diseases such as COVID-19 can be fatal. The human body mounts an immune response to eliminate pathogens, but if this response is inadequate or overactive, it can lead to worsening of the disease.

The autonomic nervous system is known to play a central role in modulating the immune response. We have investigated several approaches to electrically manipulate the autonomic nervous system, leading to the development of an endovascular parasympathetic nerve stimulation catheter. We are currently evaluating its clinical utility, particularly in cardiovascular disease.

In this current investigation, we aim to assess the potential efficacy of this catheter in managing immune overload (cytokine storm) during severe infections. Animal studies have shown that vagus nerve stimulation during cytokine storms can effectively reduce excessive inflammation. Our catheter could be used to combat this condition and serve as a novel therapeutic option for patients suffering from severe infections.

During this phase of investigation, we will use a large animal model (dog) of severe inflammation to evaluate the efficacy of parasympathetic nerve stimulation catheters and the most optimal method of stimulation. In addition, in collaboration with the National Centre for Global Health and Medicine, we aim to investigate methods of autonomic regulation that meet the needs of the clinical field.

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  • Novel treatment method for the refractory cytokine storm
  • Medical device development from Japan

Comments from principal researcher

As an anesthesiologist and intensivist, I have experienced the significant impact of cytokine storms on the general condition and outcomes of critically ill patients with severe infectious diseases. Despite numerous attempts to improve cytokine storms with medications and blood purification, little evidence supports their efficacy. The parasympathetic nerve stimulation catheter is expected to have a strong physiological effect, and we believe it may revolutionize the treatment of severe infections.